
Take an Active Role in Your Care

The Importance of Tracking

It can often be difficult to remember everything that happened between doctor visits, particularly symptoms you’ve experienced and how you’ve been feeling on a day-to-day basis. The importance of a reliable tracking system can’t be overstated.

How to Track

Some patients track by hand in a patient journal. Others prefer to use an app, like Care4Today® Connect. What’s important is finding a system that works best for you. 


Care4Today® Connect is a mobile app for PAH Tracking:

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  • Care4Today® Connect is an easy-to-use mobile app created by Johnson & Johnson Health & Wellness Solutions to help you track your PAH and take a more active role in your care
  • Ask your doctor if he or she has an individual Care4Today® Care Portal so they can see everything you track in real time
  • Even if your doctor doesn't have the portal, you can still track your status

Download the mobile appEnter code: PAH

Determine What to Track

With Care4Today® Connect, the following can be tracked:

  • Medication
  • Blood tests: eGFR and BNP/NT-proBNP
  • Blood pressure
  • Heart rate
  • Activity (step count)
  • Other wellness trackers

Over time, the app can help you identify trends that you can share and discuss with your care team to have more productive conversations.

Care4Today® Connect doesn’t just send me medication reminders; it also helps me monitor my activity and create a report that I can share with my healthcare provider.

~Care4Today® Connect Patient

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Maximize Your Doctor Visits

Striving to make the most out of your doctor visits helps ensure that you’re fully informed on all elements of your treatment journey. Since you may only have a short amount of time with your doctor, it helps to come to each appointment prepared.

This could include:

  • Bringing someone who helps with your care
  • Staying on top of how your body is feeling between appointments

You should also prepare a list of questions to ask your doctor during your visit.

Depending on the status of your diagnosis and your physical condition, these questions might include:

  • What are the current treatment options for PAH?
  • What is combination therapy? Is it right for me?
  • How will we assess the effectiveness of my treatment plan?
  • What lifestyle changes can I make to better manage PAH?

